Planning for the kids’ summer vacation yet? Are you thinking about how you are going to fit your baby’s playpen in the back of your car along with everything else? Diapers.com is selling play yard sheets under the category of “portable beds” and play yard accessories. Even though they are great protection against germs and EXTREMELY easy to use, the traveling aspect of COVERPLAY’s playard slipcovers is probably the most convenient yet unrecognized advantage to consumers. When you go on vacation, if possible, it would be nice to not have to haul an enormous play pen around with you. Whether the play pen is easy to disassemble or not — it’s still a hassle.
Remember, play yard sheets and slipcovers are just EASIER all around. They are easy to pack and store, easy to fit over any play yard and easy to wash. So whether you are staying in a hotel or with friends on this year’s summer vacation, make it easier on yourself and bring your play yard cover along.