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Designer Play Yards

Slipcovers for your play yard can create a fresh new look in your baby’s room. Many play yards come in standard solid colors that have had the same look for years. If you long for a beautiful new style that will enliven the look of your baby’s room, Coverplay slipcovers are the solution. This novel invention can invigorate the look of any play yard. Coverplay is a hygienic and portable slipcover perfectly manufactured to fit any portable play yards.

This brand not only offers an abundance of different colors, patterns and styles, but they also allow you to match the Coverplay pattern in their virtual room creator. This wonderful web tool allows you to pick from multiple Coverplay patterns. Then you can either create a room from scratch using the immense amount of colors provided or you can even upload a photo from your own personal room to see how the slipcover’s design would look in your home.

Whether you are a new mom or have another child on the way, Coverplay can give you the many styles and options to match any room you decide to move your portable play yard to. They provide many stylish choices from colorful stripes or polka dots to chic mixes of both in gorgeous colors. Selections are made easier to find by being categorized into the more popular styles for boys and the more popular styles for girls. There is even a link for their soft chenille styles that come in beautifully smart colors for boys and girls. Not to mention the chenille fabric adds softness and soothing tones to create a wonderful environment for your baby.

Whatever room design you have in mind for your baby, you will be able to find a beautiful and unique Coverplay to match it. Style is not all these fashionable slipcovers have to offer, though; they also protect against viruses and germs, providing a wonderful sleep environment for your baby. They are easy to clean and safe to put in the washer and dryer. Coverplay easily folds for a simple storage solution and fits any standard size play yards, so pick one out today.

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Pediatrician Recommended Slipcovers for Babies

Becoming a parent means there is a whole new world of dangers you begin to worry about. Keeping your children germ-free is a big part of that stress. Coverplay, a slipcover for play yards, can help decrease some of that stress by providing a line of defense from germs. This wonderful design comes pediatrician recommended. Many pediatricians even use this product to protect their own children and grandchildren.

“Every year millions of infections in children occur because of the failure to protect against infectious diseases that cause diarrhea, pneumonia and multiple other infectious diseases. This simple product will help in protecting children against contaminated play yards.”

Coverplay is a wonderful collection of stylish slipcovers that provide an easy fit over almost any standard size play yard. They provide an area where a safe environment is created for your child to sleep and play in. Obviously, as time goes on, messes and nature play a role in creating stains. Luckily, with Coverplay you can properly cleanse it to keep the bacteria and viruses away. Coverplay is machine washable and easy to take on and off your play yard.

The Coverplay slipcover has become an essential solution for shielding young children from infectious diseases. As a parent, you are constantly worrying about what might be coming into contact with your child. The Coverplay will help reduce some of that stress and worry by giving your child a convenient and clean play yard safeguarded from germs and viruses.

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Baby Travel Solution

Traveling with a young infant or child can be a challenging experience. There are a lot of extra supplies that a child requires, especially when going on a trip. One item you no longer have to worry about bringing with you, though, is a play yard — once you have discovered the beautiful simplicity of Coverplay.

Coverplay is a slipcover for play yards that comes in numerous unique designs. You no longer have to stress about using someone else’s play yard, when you have this protective cover that provides a germ-free environment for children. Now, when traveling and staying in different hotels, you can protect your child from viruses and germs by providing a pediatrician-recommended cover that creates a clean place for a child to sleep and play in.

Not only does it provide a protective environment for your child, it also fits any standard size play yard. This way, when you are staying with friends and family, you don’t have to fuss and toil over fitting the Coverplay on their play yard. It has five different slits that allow it to measure up to any common play yard. It also has ties that can be adjusted and secured to the legs of various play yards.

It is machine washable, which makes it easy to keep clean. The Coverplay also comes with a stylish matching tote that allows you to easily transport the slipcover or store it away until your next adventure. Make traveling to the beach, parks or daycare a breeze by trying out the chic and functional Coverplay.

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Traveling with Kids

Today I am writing about the stress of traveling with kids… as parents, we get excited to plan our big trip with the family. What happens? D-day arrives and we start to freak out (or at least I do)! It is hard enough getting ourselves ready and, let’s be honest, most of us need to help our spouses as well; and if you are single mom, like I was for a while… forget about it. We all have our internal checklist: cancel paper, set light timer, notify alarm company, throw away food that may spoil, empty trash, ugh. I wish that was just the half of it.

Truly the hardest part for me is packing for my little ones. Especially when they were babies. The list is quite frankly endless: bottles, diapers, snacks, “sippy” cups, baby wipes, toys, bibs, baby sun block, medications (in case they get sick), car seats, baby shampoo and so on.

Thankfully, there are some great companies that will deliver everything you need right to your hotel. I happen to be super anal when packing and believe, wherever I am, there are not stores for me to purchase all my necessities; or maybe I am just lazy and want to enjoy my trip as soon as I arrive at my hotel.

This is how COVERPLAY came to be… it was one less worry on my very long list of them. It was much easier for me to throw the COVERPLAY slip cover in my bag and not carry two 25 lb. play yards with me.

Some tips for traveling with kids

Over the years, I would like to say, I have perfected traveling with my kids but I honestly think it is just because they have gotten older and I need LESS STUFF. But one of the tricks I have learned is to ask how can I make this a learning experience for them, as well. So I worked my magic and created color-coded bags for them. In those, I have snacks (low in sugar, because the last thing I need are hyped-up kids), coloring books, washable markers (for when they draw on the hotel walls) and games (quiet ones, so they don’t disturb other passengers on the plane). I also include amenities like a toothbrush and shampoo. Each child is responsible for their bag and the belongings in them. I color code everything because it reduces fighting over what’s theirs. Any mom with more than one child knows this always happens. We also know what will amuse our kids. It truly is a great way to personalize it based on your child likes.

I also keep a change of clothing in my carry-on bag: a couple pairs of underwear and a pair of pants. I learned from experience that children spill their drinks constantly and then they whine when they need to sit in wet pants for four hours on a plane… I reduced this oopsie.

And the most important item: FOOD, FOOD and more FOOD. I feel as if I am carrying a buffet in my bag as I board the plane. I must admit I love taking Lunchables — minus the drinks of course. They are super easy to throw in the bag, they don’t leak and come in many varieties. I also am a huge fan of mini boxes of cereal… especially if you have a child who is a picky eater, like I do. Once the kids were old enough, I did bring gum to keep their ears from hurting and always my trusty bottle of kids’ Motrin — you just never know — and, truthfully, if your kids have DVD players or iPods, make sure they are well charged and don’t forget the headset.

Do you have any travel tips? Check out Marriott’s Tots Travel Too contest and give us your tip for a chance to win a COVERPLAY and more.

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Cover Play Success

The success of Coverplay is astounding, beginning with the brilliant idea of one mother who was tired of the drab look of a play yard and the time it took to clean one. Allison Costa, mother of twin boys, decided to make her life easier, and the lives of all moms, by creating such a wonderful and functional tool for young children.

Coverplay is a decorative slipcover made for portable play yards. Amy Feldman, Costa’s fellow designer, helped create this beautiful, chic line that can be easily matched to any child’s room. It comes in various designs from stripes to polka dots to classic solids made of soft chenille.

This San Diego company is owned and operated by Allison Costa. It has come a long way from when Allison first thought of how difficult it was to clean her children’s dreary-looking play yard. After teaming up with designer Amy Feldman, they appeared on the ABC show SharkTank hoping for the approval and financial support of its “big business players.”

Appearing on this show helped them successfully get out their name and product. They even have been featured in many other media outlets, from Twins Magazine to Their next victory came when a deal was signed with five Marriott brands: Marriott now provides Coverplay in their new Tots Travel Too program.

Although Cover play success is a wonderful achievement for both Costa and Feldman, the real success story is the one happening for the parents who purchase this product. Coverplay really can make a mom’s or dad’s life easier by providing a safe and clean environment for their child to play and sleep in.